
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.


The wheel was man’s greatest invention – until he got behind it. (Bill Ireland)


Vector Robot

2 minute read

Regaining access to Vector Robot and working with the Vector Python SDK.

Vim Setup and Basics

1 minute read

Describes how to setup vim using a popular vimrc and explains the basics.

ROS Control, An overview

24 minute read

ROS Control combines a set of packages that include controller interfaces, controller managers, transmissions and hardware_interfaces.

SLAM using Grid-based FastSLAM

8 minute read

For Simultaneous Localization and Mapping a lot of algorithms exist. This post shows the basics of SLAM and how Grid-based FastSLAM works using ROS.

ROS Kalman Filter for Sensor Fusion

13 minute read

The Kalman filter is used for state estimation and sensor fusion. This post shows how sensor fusion is done using the Kalman filter and ROS.

Extended Kalman Filter

1 minute read

The Kalman filter is used for state estimation but limited to linear models. To deal with nonlinear models the extended Kalman filter can be used instead.

Kalman Filter

5 minute read

The Kalman filter is used for state estimation and sensor fustion. This post explains it.

Images as Functions

4 minute read

Images as functions explained using matplotlib and opencv in python 3.

CTRV Model

2 minute read

A mathematical model to describe the motion of a mobile robot.

Unscented Kalman Filter

8 minute read

The following summarizes the important steps of the unscented Kalman filter algorithm.


Autonomous RC Car Parts

This project aims to build a self driving rc car equipped with a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running ROS and an Arduino MKR1000 to control the motor and the servo for ...



Topics related to C++



Autonomous 2WD Robot

Autonomous 2WD Robot equipped with a Raspberry Pi 4 B running ROS Noetic to sense and act in an environment.


The Propeller

The Propeller transforms the energy from the battery into velocity.



Autonomous RC Car

Autonomous RC Car equipped with a Raspberry Pi running ROS and Arduino to control its servos.
